What influences fathers' daily work-related worries during parental leave? A diary study


New article by Anna M. Stertz, Lisa K. Horvath, and Bettina S. Wiese in: Journal of Vocational Behavior

What influences the work-related worries of fathers on parental leave? Stertz and colleagues examined this question with a focus on organizational influences. Based on qualitative diary data of 108 German and Austrian fathers on leave, they show that fathers perceiving their organization as family-supportive had fewer worries than fathers perceiving their organization as unsupportive. With regard to the leave duration, fathers who took relatively short leaves worried more intensely than fathers who took long leaves. Particularly among those fathers who perceive their organization as unsupportive, a short leave was associated with increased worries. The findings emphasize the significant role of a family-supportive work environment for fathers' parental leave experiences.
