Cross-country comparisons

Sources Used

The main sources used for the comparative tables in this review are the country notes prepared by the members of the International Network on Leave Policies and Research, following a common format. One country not included in previous reviews – Colombia – has had a new country note prepared.

Country notes are reviewed and revised each year by authors and editors. For 2024, all country notes have been edited by at least one of the five of the network’s coordinators: Ivana Dobrotić, Sonja Blum, Gayle Kaufman, Alison Koslowski, Peter Moss, and Marie Valentova. Lead editorship rotates, and for 2024 Ivana Dobrotić was lead editor.

The expertise and work of the country note authors is gratefully acknowledged.

In addition, the ‘Relationship between Leave and ECEC Entitlements’ table and pages draw upon two comparative sources of demographic, economic and social data: the OECD Family Database and TransMonee. Full details are given at the end of the table on each page.

General note: in the comparative tables which follow, a month is calculated to be 4.3 weeks; while 4 weeks is 0.9 months. For purposes of comparison, national currencies are also shown in euro in the country notes. Currency conversion (with the exception of Chile and Denmark) was carried on for a single day (15 July 2024) using as possible:

The 20th International Review also includes an accompanying file to the 2024 International Review comparative tables. The International Review has a number of comparative tables, enabling comparisons to be made between participating countries. The formatting of these tables was revised in 2024, to make them more user-friendly, and the 2024 tables are also accompanied by open-source Excel data for 2023 and 2024, making it easier to reuse the data. Please note that while the comparative tables in the 2024 International Review are cross-checked by country note authors, the accompanying Excel file is not. When using this data cite them as: 

Dobrotić, I., Blum, S., Kaufman, G., Koslowski, A., Moss, P., and Valentova, M. (2024) 20th International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2024: comparative tables 2023-2024. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/J3DPW. Available at:

Please also refer to the technical appendix.

Maternity Leave

Paternity Leave

Parental Leave

Other measures

Leave and ECEC entitlements

Leave Policy Changes

Technical Appendix

Data file

Data file (Excel)