DAY 2 (Friday 30 June 2023)

SESSION 8: Leave policy and gender equality in the context of changing work forms and patterns (9.00–10.30)

Coordinator Prof. Georgia Petraki

9:00–9:15 What care and gender equality concepts are we using in parental leave research? Translating feminist care theories into research methods on gender divisions and relations of care/work

Andrea Doucet, Professor, Brock University & Kim de Laat, University of Waterloo, Canada

9:15–9:30 The impact of employment precariousness on parental leave benefits in Southern European countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece)

Dr. Susana Atalaia, Research Fellow, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICSULisboa); Dr. Mafalda Leitão, Research Fellow, Observatory of Families and Family Policies (OFAP) - ICSUniversity of Lisbon

9:30–9:45 A Case of the Unexpected? Changes to parental leave policy in Australia

Marian Baird & Elizabeth Hill, The University of Sydney

9:45–10:00 Paternity leave’s use and childcare by American fathers in Spain

Prof. Gerardo Meil & Pedro Romero-Balsas & Jesús Rogero-García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

10:00-10:30 Discussion

Break (10:30–11:00)

SESSION 9: Leave policy, ageing societies and adult/elderly care (11.00–12.15)

Coordinator: Prof. Antigone Lyberaki

11:00 – 11:15 Elder care: a clear and present crisis

Prof. Marian Baird, The University of Sydney

11:15 – 11:30 Gender Equality and Care: Theoretical approaches and practical engagements in the case of care leaves for aging relatives

Evangelia Aikaterini Glantzi, Postdoctoral Researcher & Μarina Maropoulou, legal anthropologist, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

11:30 – 11:45 Combining work and care for elder family members in Athens: an evaluation of official policies, leaves and time arrangements

Aggeliki Athanasopoulou, Laboratory Teaching Staff, Panteion University

11:45-12:15 Discussion

SESSION 10: Closing session: Reporting from parallel sessions – Reflections (12:15-13:00) 

Coordinator: Evi Hatzivarnava

Lunch Break (13.00–14.00)


Coordinators: Dr. Thordis Reimer, University of Hamburg & Prof. Margaret O’Brien, University College London, TCRU, Chair & Co-Chair Cost Action

Break (15.00–15.30)

Network business meeting (15.30-17:00) 

DAY 1 (Thursday 29 June 2023)