Annual seminars
2017 Prague
14th International LP & R seminar in Prague, Czech Republic; 21-22th September 2017
Session 1: Leave Policies in the Czech Republic
Czech leave policies: 2017 Concept of family policy from EU perpective
Jirina Kocourková, Anna Štastná
The division of care and paid work in the Czech Republic
Olga Nešporová
Recent research on paternity leave in the Czech Republic
Vera Kucharová, Kristýna Janurová
Session 2: Methodological Challenges in Conceptualizing and Measuring Parental leave take-up
Who Counts and How are They Counted? Issues in Measuring Parental Leave in Canada
Andrea Doucet, Lindsey McKay
Studying the obstacles to fathers´ leave take-up with survey and interviews – how to reach the non-users?
Johanna Närvi, Minna Salmi, Johanna Lammi-Taskula
Work life balance and gender equity: measurement and policies in Italy
Tindara Addabbo, Valentina Cardinali,Dino Giovannini, Sara Mazzucchelli
Short report on European Institute for Gender Equality: EIGE indicators project
Marre Karu
Session 3: Leave Policies in Eastern Europe
Legal strategies for enhancing fertility and (forced) flexibility of rules: Poland Between Generosity and Restrictiveness
Barbara Godlewska-Bujok
Parental leave and fertility in Romania
Alexandra Macht
The Hungarian leave policy system in times of policy change
András Gábos
Session 4: Father Involvement
Fathers as mothers´ assistants: Father involvement in Slovenia
Nada Stropnik, Živa Humer
Work organizations as mediators for fathers' take-up of parental leave in Germany
Thordis Reimer
Leaves from work to care informally for frail or sick family members – an international perspective
Andrea E. Schmidt
Session 5: Leave Policies in Non-EU Countries I
How do single parents use their quota rights to parental leave: The case of Iceland
Ingólfur V. Gíslason, Guðný Björk Eydal
Mothers' return to work transitions in Australia: evidence from a recent longitudinal survey
Gillian Whitehouse
New Zealand – Non-standard employees and parental leave dilemmas
Susan Morrissey, Heather McDonald
Session 6: Leave Policies in Non-EU Countries II
Changing Family Leave Policies in China
Shirley Gatenio Gabel, Wen-Jui Han
The practical implementation of leave policies in South Africa
Herman Kasselman
Challenges of fathers´ leave take-up in Québec
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay
SESSION 7: Recent Research on Leave Policies
The Impact of Parental Leave Policy on the Labour-Market Engagement of Mothers. Do the Number of Children and Pre-birth Work Engagement Matter?
Marie Valentova
What can Switzerland learn from parental leave legislation in Germany, Sweden, the UK?
Rahel Nedi
Public opinion toward leave policies in 27 OECD countries
Isabel Valarino