DAY 2 (Friday 30 June 2023)
SESSION 8: Leave policy and gender equality in the context of changing work forms and patterns (9.00–10.30)
Coordinator Prof. Georgia Petraki
Andrea Doucet, Professor, Brock University & Kim de Laat, University of Waterloo, Canada
Dr. Susana Atalaia, Research Fellow, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICSULisboa); Dr. Mafalda Leitão, Research Fellow, Observatory of Families and Family Policies (OFAP) - ICSUniversity of Lisbon
9:30–9:45 A Case of the Unexpected? Changes to parental leave policy in Australia
Marian Baird & Elizabeth Hill, The University of Sydney
9:45–10:00 Paternity leave’s use and childcare by American fathers in Spain
Prof. Gerardo Meil & Pedro Romero-Balsas & Jesús Rogero-García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
10:00-10:30 Discussion
Break (10:30–11:00)
SESSION 9: Leave policy, ageing societies and adult/elderly care (11.00–12.15)
Coordinator: Prof. Antigone Lyberaki
11:00 – 11:15 Elder care: a clear and present crisis
Prof. Marian Baird, The University of Sydney
11:15 – 11:30 Gender Equality and Care: Theoretical approaches and practical engagements in the case of care leaves for aging relatives
Evangelia Aikaterini Glantzi, Postdoctoral Researcher & Μarina Maropoulou, legal anthropologist, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
11:30 – 11:45 Combining work and care for elder family members in Athens: an evaluation of official policies, leaves and time arrangements
Aggeliki Athanasopoulou, Laboratory Teaching Staff, Panteion University
11:45-12:15 Discussion
SESSION 10: Closing session: Reporting from parallel sessions – Reflections (12:15-13:00)
Coordinator: Evi Hatzivarnava
Lunch Break (13.00–14.00)
Coordinators: Dr. Thordis Reimer, University of Hamburg & Prof. Margaret O’Brien, University College London, TCRU, Chair & Co-Chair Cost Action
Break (15.00–15.30)
Network business meeting (15.30-17:00)